At SAExploration, we bring decades of significant and specialized expertise borne from our work in a variety of unique and logistically challenging environments around the world. We have an exceptional track record across harsh terrain and heavily cultured areas. In all environments and in every operation, we strive to reduce risk to all parties involved where a client’s project is being acquired by recognizing and respecting that both the local communities are important stakeholders in the project.
SAExploration has been on the leading edge of High Production Vibroseismic acquisition. With our fleet of vibrators ranging from 15,000 to 80,000 pounds and using our Source Driven Shooting techniques we can average more than 10,000 VPs day. Combining this with the advancements in nodal (autonomous sensing and recording) technologies we have successfully recorded programs with trace densities exceeding five million traces/km2, creating true value for our customers.
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