Need a quick overview of the opportunities available at SAExploration? Wondering what’s involved in the application and selection process? You should find the answers here.
How do I apply for a position at SAExploration?
Please visit our Job Opportunities section to browse our available positions. If you see an opportunity that matches your experience, we encourage you to fill out an online application.
What type of experience is required for a job at SAExploration?
Experience will depend on the level and nature of the role in which you’re interested. If specific education or experience is a requirement, this will usually be stated in the job description.
What is required for job opportunities outside of my country?
Depending upon the global location of the job opportunity being advertised, requirements will vary. As a general rule, however, positions advertised in Canada and the United States can only be filled by applicants who are legally entitled to live and work in these countries.
I don’t see an opportunity that matches my experience. Can I still apply?
We do not speculative applications or resumes via this website. You can only apply to a specific opportunity that you feel matches your experience or aptitude. If you apply for a position for which you are not qualified, your application will be deleted.
How will I know if SAExploration has received my application?
If you successfully complete an online application for any SAExploration job opportunity, you will see a confirmation page.
Can I contact SAExploration directly?
SAExploration does not accept direct solicitation for employment. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by our Human Resources team.
How long will my resume and profile be kept on file with SAExploration?
Your application profile and associated documents are archived in a secure, confidential database. Your profile will be kept on file until it is removed by our Human Resources team.
Can I send my resume via fax or regular mail?
Your application profile and associated documents are archived in a secure, confidential database. Your profile will be kept on file until it is removed by our Human Resources team.
What if I am interested in multiple positions? Can I apply to more than one position?
Yes. Please apply to each position of interest that matches your experience and the requirements as specified by the position. Your application will be considered against each job for which you apply.
What happens after I apply for a position?
Our Human Resources team reviews all applications as they are received. Candidates who meet the requirements of the position(s) being advertised will be contacted via telephone or email to arrange an interview.
Can I expect a response to my application?
Due to the volume of applications we receive at SAExploration, we’re unable to respond to all applicants. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Do I need to relocate for positions with SAExploration?
Our operations are based in Western Canada, the United States and numerous locations worldwide. Many of our positions require that you relocate closer to the operation and some allow you to remain where you currently live.